Bartłomiej (Bartek) Płotka

| Senior SWE Tech Lead @ Google | Ex-Principal SWE @ Red Hat | Ex-SRE/SWE at Improbable |

| "Efficient Go" O'Reilly Book Author | Thanos co-author | Prometheus maintainer 📈 |

| CNCF TAG Observability Tech Lead | Go, Distributed Systems and OSS enthusiast |

| Blogger | Gym & Motorcycles 💪🏽 |

Featured on my Blog

Leveraging benchstat Projections in Go Benchmark Analysis!

Go’s built-in micro-benchmarking framework is extremely useful and widely known. Sill, not many developers are aware of the additional, yet essential, benchstat tool allowing clear comparisons of Go A/B benchmark results across multiple runs. In 2023, benchstat received a complete overhaul making it even more powerful: projections, filtering and groupings were introduced allowing robust comparisons across any dimension, defined by your sub-benchmarks (aka “cases”), if you follow a certain naming format .

Announcing Our Book with O'Reilly: Efficient Go!

TL;DR: I am super excited to announce an exact topic of our book we write together with O’Reilly publisher. “Efficient Go” will consist of 10 chapters! The book is planned to be released near the end of Q1 2022. Stay Tuned! Join our Discord Community using this link or follow @bwplotka on Twitter if you want to get notified about updates, promotions, opportunities to contribute and events! Almost exactly seven months ago, I announced that I will be writing a book with the publisher I have always admired, O’Reilly .

ThanosCon Retrospective

Hello back! 👋🏽 Curious how your last weeks looked like, mine were a bit busy: My daughter’s 1st birthday, then she started daycare adaption with the weekly spread of stomach flu, scarlet fever and other “collectables”. Fun. Week of final preparations for KubeCon (~7 talks? plus booth duty, organization duties, an interview and a book signing 🙈), then super active KubeCon in Paris together with ~12 thousand attendees. Busy time at work, mostly due to the post-conference excitement syndrome and Google Next that finished this last week.

How To Achieve More and Go Through Boring Stuff

Hello Everyone! 👋 Through the recent years in open source and in my role as the Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, I had the opportunity to do a lot of work that touches tech/team/project/organization management and leadership. During this experience, one realization stood up to me more than anything. The fact that Software Development is way more about humans than computers. That’s why in my blog space, I wanted to try something new!

Automate Your Documentation With mdox!

Writing software documentation is hard. Maintaining it is even more challenging in both closed and open-source worlds. You are probably familiar with the disdain that everyone has for writing, maintaining, and updating documentation, especially software engineers. But it is a necessary process that helps future teams, users and developers to use your project and contribute effectively. It might be a factor between life and death for a project or adoption game changer.

Correlating Signals Efficiently in Modern Observability

NOTE: I wrote this article for the CNCF TAG (previously SIG) Observability Whitepaper about Observability , so you will see some of this write up there. The Whitepaper itself, is a fantastic initiative that aims for a complete overview and state-of-the-art of modern observability. Purely community-driven and for the community! When writing this, it’s still in progress, so if you want to help writing this up or reviewing or redacting, please join our calls and #tag-observability channel on the CNCF Slack.